Thursday 26 January 2017

Joshua 2 - Operation Jericho: Redux

Before we get to today’s story about Rahab and the two Israelite spies she hid in her house, we need to talk about that weird word up top: redux. Basically, “redux” is a fancy Latin word that means “to bring back or be done again.” So, when I say that those hidden Israelites spies were in the middle of Operation Jericho: Redux, this means that they were redoing a spy mission that had failed before. So what went wrong last time? And why were the Israelites trying this mission again now?  Well, to understand that, we need to do a little recap of some of Israel’s history.

40 years before our story begins, God chose a man named Moses to lead the Israelites out of the land of Egypt. The Israelites had been slaves in Egypt for over 400 years, meaning that the Egyptians forced the Israelites to do all kinds of hard work almost all day long without ever being paid. But when the Israelites cried out to God for help, God sent Moses to help free the Israelites.

This took some convincing though. Pharaoh, the King of Egypt, refused to let the Israelites go, so God sent plagues to change Pharaoh’s mind. These plagues showed how powerful God was by making things like frogs and bugs and hail and storms destroy Egypt. That’s a whole other story for another day, but finally, after 10 plagues, Pharaoh let the Israelites go free.

God did a whole bunch of other amazing stuff after that too. He parted the Red Sea so that the
Israelites could safely escape Pharaoh’s army. And when the Israelites got to the wilderness on the other side of the Red Sea, God made bitter water turn sweet so that the Israelites would have water to drink. God even appeared on a mountain in a storm of fire and lightning to show the Israelites His incredible power!

Anyways, after a year and a half in the wilderness, the Israelites finally made it to the Jordan River. On the other side of the river was Canaan, the land that God had promised to Israel a long time ago. However, the Israelites had no idea what was waiting for them in Canaan, so Moses sent in some spies to check out the land first.

You can read the full story in Numbers 13. But long story short, this first spying mission was a disaster! When the spies got back from Canaan, 10 of the spies freaked out that there were giant people guarding giant grapes there, which the Israelites decided was a giant problem. Too giant even for God to handle! In fact, this report made the Israelites so scared of the Canaanites that the Israelites forgot everything that God had done for them before and stopped trusting Him. And because of this, God told the Israelites that they would have to wander in the wilderness for another 38 years before they could finally enter Canaan.

Not all of these 12 spies forgot about God’s amazing acts through. Two of the spies – Joshua and Caleb – remembered those amazing things God had done for Israel, and they tried to convince the Israelites that God would help them take over Canaan too. Unfortunately, the Israelites didn’t listen to Joshua or Caleb, but at least in Joshua’s case, his faith in God was one of the main reasons why God chose him to become the leader of Israel when Moses died.

And this is where the story of Rahab and the spies begins. Joshua has just become the leader of Israel, and it’s finally time for the Israelites to enter Canaan. And I bet after 38 years of wandering in the wilderness, they were super excited.

Which is why I find it so weird that Joshua decided to play Mission Impossible yet again and send in a second round of spies. That plan had backfired hugely last time! – Why in the world would Joshua want to go through all that again? Sure, Joshua only sent in 2 spies this time instead of 12, but I’m sure there were still some Israelites who were thinking, “Oh no, not again!” as the spies made their way towards the closest Canaanite city: Jericho.

Now these two new spies must not have been very good at their jobs, because the Bible tells us that the king of Jericho knew the spies were in Jericho the whole time! It didn’t take him long to send a message to Rahab, that woman we mentioned before who lived in the house the spies were hiding in, demanding that she send the spies out to him!

So how do you think Rahab responded to this? Honestly, with spies hidden in her house, I bet she was pretty scared, just like the Israelites had been 38 years earlier. Actually, the whole city was probably scared! You see, the people of Jericho—

Hang on… We’ve talked about the Israelites and the Canaanites. Don’t the people of Jericho get a cool name? The Jerichoites? Jerichonians? Jerichoecians? Hmm… If you’ve got any good ones, feel free to throw a comment down below. Otherwise, we’ll just have to figure it out as we go along…

As I was saying, the Jerichoites knew that the Israelites had this huge army waiting just across the river. They had heard about the Red Sea and about how Israel had completely destroyed their enemies in the wilderness. So yeah, I’m sure it might have crossed Rahab’s mind to just hand over the two spies to the king. The king wouldn’t have been angry with her, the spies wouldn’t have been able to send their report back to Joshua, and maybe – just maybe – this would stop the Israelites from conquering Jericho.

But Rahab knew better. She knew that God was fighting for the Israelites and that Jericho probably wasn’t going to make it. So, instead, she hid the spies on her roof and told the king, “It’s true that the men came here. But I didn’t know where they had come from. They left at sunset, when it was time to close the city gate. I know which way they went. Go after them quickly. You might catch up with them” (Joshua 2:4-5, NIrV).

Now some of you might be thinking, “But wait a second… Rahab lied! Isn’t that wrong?” And honestly, this is something that even confuses adults. But what’s important here is what Rahab’s lie did. Yes, it was wrong of her to lie, but she lied in order to save two people’s lives. So even though God wouldn’t like it that she lied, He knows that she was trying to do the right thing by helping the spies escape.

And that’s exactly what she did after she sent the Jerichoecians on a wild goose chase. See, Rahab’s hose was built so that it was connected to one of the walls of Jericho. So all she had to do was let the spies climb out her window and down the wall and they’d be safely outside the city!

But I’m sure the spies were confused. Rahab and the Jerichonese were the enemies of the Israelites. Why was she helping them?

Her answer is amazing: “I know that the LORD has given you this land. We are very much afraid of you. Everyone who lives in this country is weak with fear because of you. We’ve heard how the LORD dried up the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt…. When we heard about it, we were terrified. Because of you, we aren’t brave anymore. The LORD your God is the God who rules in heaven above and on the earth below” (Joshua 2:9-11).

Did you catch that? The Jericoletians were terrified of the Israelites and their God! And Rahab? Rahab had learned today’s lesson better than the Israelites from 38 years ago who had seen God do all those amazing things. The second she heard about God parting the Red Sea, she knew that nothing was going to be able to stop Him from giving Jericho and the rest of Canaan to the Israelites. God’s legacy was just that great!

What’s a legacy, you might ask? A legacy is all the stories of the great things that someone has done. Wayne Gretzky’s legacy here in Canada is being the greatest hockey player who ever lived. Abraham Lincoln has a legacy for being one of the best US Presidents (and sporting an awesome hat and beard). Jesus’ legacy (among other things) was dying on the cross and rising again so that our sins could be forgiven. And Rahab’s legacy was showing great faith by hiding the Israelite spies even when she was scared.

We remember all of these people for the great things they did. In the same way, Rahab remembered and trusted God because of the incredible things He did for the Israelites. And – SPOILER ALERT – because Rahab remembered these things and trusted that God would save her if she asked the spies for help, He did! When the walls came tumbling down on the Jerickiwis, her house wasn’t destroyed.

Think about that for a second. Rahab’s house was PART OF THE WALL!!! Her house should have crumbled like the rest of the walls of Jericho. But because she trusted God, God did the impossible once again and somehow kept her house safe and intact when the rest of the walls fell apart. That’s just one more amazing thing to add to God’s legacy!

See guys: God’s actions leave a legacy we can trust. And because Rahab trusted in the God that she had heard so many amazing things about, she was saved! Just think: If the Israelites had recognized God’s legacy 38 years earlier, they wouldn’t have been stuck in the wilderness all that time. But when these two spies went back to Joshua and told him all about their adventure, we see that the Israelites had finally learned their lesson. They remembered God’s legacy and were finally ready to follow Him into the Promised Land!

Honestly, this is why I’m so thankful God has given us the Bible. It’s filled with stories that tell us all about God’s legacy and gives us reasons to trust Him! So make sure you take the time to read some of those stories. You’ll be amazed at the things you’ll learn! And it might just make you want to trust God a little more, just like Rahab.

Hope you enjoyed that! Don't forget to comment your name for the people of Jericho. And come back next week when we talk about another really famous guy from the Old Testament: Samuel!


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